Several Gaysha staff members volunteered to help out the ladies at Pimlico Toy Library yesterday morning. Gaysha Business Manager, Lewis Elsey, along with Project Managers Chloe Aillud and Stuart Moore, assisted with renovating and organising the basement storage area of the library.
The Pimlico Toy Library, a registered charity, was founded in 1983 and offers local children, under eleven years old, the chance to play in a safe, stimulating child -friendly atmosphere with access to a stock of over 1900 toys, available for home loans.
Gaysha was delighted to be able to help out and to support the amazing work that Maggie and Sheila do at the Pimlico Toy Library.
For more information on the Pimlico Toy Library or to donate to their cause please visit their website at http://www.pimlicotoylibrary.orgSaveSave